It’s exciting investing in a pond. No matter whether you’re moving into a new home or building your pond, it is important to consider how to properly aerate it. However, you might be asking yourself, “Does my pond need aeration?”
An aerator is necessary for your pond aerator to have a healthy environment. You can take many steps to care for your pond. Outdoor Water Solutions is the leading company in pond and lake water aeration. Our range of aeration products can be tailored to your individual needs. Let’s discuss the reasons you need an aquarium aerator.
There Are Two Types of Aeration
There are two types of aeration options on the market, bottom, and surface. Aeration using a surface will be most effective for small ponds less than 6 or 10 feet in depth. Larger ponds with deeper water depths will need bottom diffusers. Although they work differently, both serve the same purpose: To aerate your Pond.
Does A Pond Pump Alone Suffice To Keep My Fish Alive During Winter?
No. An aerator gives oxygen to the water. The aerator adds oxygen to the water even when temperatures drop. This allows for gas exchange. What is a gas exchange? Your pond will slow down in winter, but it doesn’t completely stop.
Methane gas results from the process of plants and debris being broken down. When the ice is allowed on top of the pond, methane gas forms and can harm the aquatic life including your fish. A simple deicer can be used to stop this.
Why You Should Have an Aeration Device in a Man-Made Pond?
Some people might be puzzled as to why your pond has an additional fountain when natural ponds do fine without them. Atmospheric diffusion explains the reason. Atmospheric diffusion is the process where pond water receives oxygen through the air.
Though natural ponds usually get enough oxygen from atmospheric diffusion, man-made lakes can’t do so. An aeration system is essential to ensure that a man-made pool does not lose its optimal oxygen level.
An Aeration Water Fountain Will Solve Many Pond Issues And Offer Numerous Benefits, Including:
- Water clarity and improved water quality
- Fewer algae blooms and more algae growth
- Improved health of wildlife and fish
- Reduces fish kills
- Elimination of all unpleasant odors
- Reductions in organic sediment
- Enhanced beauty/aesthetic quality
- Promotion and growth of naturally healthy bacteria to digest decaying foods
Do I Have To Aerate My Pond In Winter If It Freezes?
Two inches or more of cloudy ice, or snow, will block the majority of light from reaching the water. The phytoplankton in a pond cannot produce oxygen and all living organisms in it will gradually consume the oxygen.
The largest fish will die, followed by smaller and less large fish. This is known as winterkill. Winterkill can be prevented by having a bottom diffusion placed at least 1/3 the depth of the pond. It should also be close enough to shore so that water doesn’t get climbed up on the ice.
Why Is The Oxygen Necessary In My Pond?
Oxygen helps keep your pond aerator clean! Both the beneficial bacteria and your pond fish need oxygen to survive. If the bacteria are doing their jobs well, the system balances, giving you an easy-to-maintenance pond.